Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Focus on your strengths by: Mark Jenney

People in life who achieve average results spend a lot of the time trying to focus on their areas of weakness. They try to improve those weak areas in their life. Those people in life who achieve extraordinary results focus primarily on what they are good and they focus on making the good areas great and they delegate and outsource those things they are not good at instead of trying to become good at them.

I challenge you to spend the next year focusing on the things you are really good at and delegate those things that you are not and see how much your life changes.

Check out this book: Strength Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath. Also try taking this personal DNA test: http://personaldna.com

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Coming Soon...Young Entrepreneurs Business Plan Competition

I am going to be launching a young entrepreneurs business plan competition soon. The winner will receive funds to help launch their business along with consulting advice. If anyone has any advice or feedback they would like to share with me before I launch the competition I would love to hear it.

-Mark Jenney

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's your favorite charity

I am focusing a lot of my energy now days working on a plan to expand my charitable giving and help out more in the community. Just recently I signed up for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. This is a great program and I suggest looking into it if you would like to make the difference in a child's life. You will be able to bring joy and happiness to a child who may not currently have it. Most of the children in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program are underprivileged children who could use some proper guidance and direction.

If you would like to get more information on this program check out this site: http://www.bbbs.org

Also take a minute an vote for your favorite charity here:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Step away from your business

Sometimes as a business owner you get so involved in the running of the day to day operations that you overlook the long term goals of the company. I want to give one piece of advice to business owners and that is to step away from your business from time to time so you can make strategic decisions instead of tactical decisions. To grow your business to the next level sometimes you need to step away.

If you have a business that has one million dollars per year in revenue. You may be able to turn your company into a two million dollar per year company by making tactical decisions. However if you want to turn it into a fifty million dollar per year company that can only be done by making strategic decisions.

As business owners we all get way too wrapped up in our work sometimes. Take a few days and step away. It will make a world of difference.