I'd like to talk about 2 things today.
#1 Other blogs/people I follow on twitter I follow that can be beneficial to you.
#2 My book club
#1 Other blogs/people I follow on twitter that can be beneficial to you.
#2 My book club
I am starting a book club. Your probably asking yourself what does this mean? Well I am a very avid reader and I read new books usually on a weekly basis. Mainly I read books on marketing, business, success, investing, personal development, staying fit and being healthy. However sometimes I may read a book a little off those subjects. Anyways from time to time I read books that are really good and have made a big impact in my life.
So I am going to send a copy of these books to people in my book club. I am not doing this to make a profit. I am doing it to share knowledge that has helped me and I want to pass it along to you so it can help you too.
If you are interested in joining my book club send me a message either on this blog, facebook, twitter, or email. I would be happy to add you to the list. I will not be sending out books on a normal schedule. It will only be when I read a book that I feel is really good. I will then send you a copy. So I may send you a book every week or every month or every three months. It will all depend on when I come across a good book that I feel can help you.
If you are interested in growing and changing as a person and want to be successful then my book club may be for you. Let me know I would be happy to add you to the list.
I would like to Join the book club.