Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The actions you consistently take create the results of your life. Change your consistent actions and you change your life.

If you are not achieving the success you want in life you need to change your consistent daily actions. This is true in all areas of life rather you are trying to lose weight, make money money, make more friends, etc...

Your results in life will come from your consistently daily actions. If you go interview people who are very successful in any field and ask them "what made you successful" most of the time they will not be able to pin point it to one action they took on one specific day. It is the cumulative effect of their daily actions over a period of time that made them successful.

If you want to change your life all you need to do is change your daily actions. Something that has helped me do this is having a daily to do list. Before I go to bed each night I make sure I have checked off and completed everything on my daily to do list. Here is part of my daily to do list. You should make your own daily to do list, your list should include actions that will help you accomplish your goals.

Here's part of what's on my daily to do list:

- Read promise sheet in morning "this is my goal sheet"
- Give thanks for blessings and pray in morning
- Read my personal business and success tips sheet
- Spend at least 30 minutes going over my investments
- Drink 2 fresh fruit/vegetable juices
- Drink a shot of wheat grass
- Drink 10 glasses of water
- Work - run 2 miles
- 100 push ups
- 100 sit ups
- Listen to business audio program while running
- Read for at least 30 minutes
- Read twitter/tech crunch
- Read promise sheet in the evening
- Give thanks for blessings and pray

I personally find it very helpful to have a daily to do list with all these items on it. By having a check list it allows me to never to forget these small actions that repeated consistently over a period of time allow me to accomplish my goals and achieve success.

I urge you to create a goal sheet of your own that has a daily check list. If you do this after 30 days you will start to notice some real progress.

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