Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is your brain keeping you from success?

The biggest thing that keeps people from achieving success is themselves! If you took a survey asking people if they feel they are successful in life. Most people would not say yes, you would hear a lot of um... sorta... kinda... etc.... So what is keeping them from achieving success? It's their self belief. Most people don't believe in themselves. They don't believe they can achieve success in whatever it is they want. They believe others can achieve success but not them.

Whatever you let your mind accept as true, becomes true. When you tell yourself something the mind does not verify the accuracy of any statement it receives. It merely records it for later retrieval. Your mind works like a computer, it does not change the data you put in. If you tell yourself you will be successful and truly believe it then you will be successful.

If you think you can or think you can't you are always right. Our self belief will almost always dictate in advance whether we will succeed or fail at whatever you are trying to accomplish. The great thing is that we can control what we put in our mind and we can even manufacture the information sent to our brain.

If you study people who are very successful which is something I have been doing since the age of 13. You will find out that every highly successful person knew they were going to successful before they actually were considered a success.

I can attest to this in my own life as well. I remember when I was young living just above the poverty level knowing that one day I was going to be financially successful. At that time, I had no money, no ideas, and I had no one to help mentor me towards becoming a financial success. But I knew in my mind that it was only a matter of time before I was successful. I had the drive and self belief, I knew I was going to be successful even though there was nothing around to support the thought of me becoming successful. I knew and truly believed I was going to.

Several years later I achieved my goal of becoming financially successful and my goals and dreams grew much bigger. Now my goals and dreams are to help impact the lives of millions of people through charitable work and by helping other people achieve their dreams and goals. I will soon be a New York Times best selling author as that is one of my next goals. As of today I have not written a book to be published and distributed however I know it is only a matter of time and when I do write my book it will be a New York Times Best seller.

I hope you realize that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to no matter how big or small. You are the only person holding yourself back from achieving your goals. I wish you nothing but success in life.

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