Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Donating to charity

I'm working on a new project that I'm really excited about. Soon I will be launching www.MarkJenneyCares.com. This site is going to be based around charitable contributions. Once the site launches I will be donating money to different charities every day of the year.

The site will keep track of which charities I have donated money to, how much money has been donated and how many peoples lives have been impacted from the donations. You will also be able to suggest charities for me to donate money.

I am doing this as part of my philanthropic efforts and to raise the awareness that giving back to those less fortunate is a very important part of life. Every successful person I have come in contact with or have read about has the same view on giving back. The more you give the more you receive.

It's really true, if you don't have a lot of money now then the first thing you need to do is give money to a worthy cause you believe in. The world will give back to you in multiples that of which you give. If you don't feel loved, give love and you will receive love back many times over.

I know some people are thinking OK well I will give money to charity when I have more money. That's not the way the world works. If you aren't willing to give now, don't ever expect to give when you have "more money." The more people you can help the more the world tends to help you.

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