Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The actions you consistently take create the results of your life. Change your consistent actions and you change your life.

If you are not achieving the success you want in life you need to change your consistent daily actions. This is true in all areas of life rather you are trying to lose weight, make money money, make more friends, etc...

Your results in life will come from your consistently daily actions. If you go interview people who are very successful in any field and ask them "what made you successful" most of the time they will not be able to pin point it to one action they took on one specific day. It is the cumulative effect of their daily actions over a period of time that made them successful.

If you want to change your life all you need to do is change your daily actions. Something that has helped me do this is having a daily to do list. Before I go to bed each night I make sure I have checked off and completed everything on my daily to do list. Here is part of my daily to do list. You should make your own daily to do list, your list should include actions that will help you accomplish your goals.

Here's part of what's on my daily to do list:

- Read promise sheet in morning "this is my goal sheet"
- Give thanks for blessings and pray in morning
- Read my personal business and success tips sheet
- Spend at least 30 minutes going over my investments
- Drink 2 fresh fruit/vegetable juices
- Drink a shot of wheat grass
- Drink 10 glasses of water
- Work - run 2 miles
- 100 push ups
- 100 sit ups
- Listen to business audio program while running
- Read for at least 30 minutes
- Read twitter/tech crunch
- Read promise sheet in the evening
- Give thanks for blessings and pray

I personally find it very helpful to have a daily to do list with all these items on it. By having a check list it allows me to never to forget these small actions that repeated consistently over a period of time allow me to accomplish my goals and achieve success.

I urge you to create a goal sheet of your own that has a daily check list. If you do this after 30 days you will start to notice some real progress.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life is fragile...

This week has been an eye opener for me. Life is such a precious thing and is so fragile. Make sure to enjoy today while planning for tomorrow. So much of my life has been spent planning for tomorrows success, I have not spent enough time enjoying the success of today.

This week several things have happened that have changed my outlook slightly on how I look at life and how I need to enjoy my accomplishments of today more.

I am traveling right now and after spending some time in Honduras and Belize and seeing the standard of living of those people who live in a third world country makes you appreciate the simple things you take for granite every day. Traveling to these places makes you realize what a great country America is and how blessed everyone who is born in the United States really is. Even the people who are in the lower income brackets living in public housing in the United States have a standard of living that is just leaps and bounds above those who are living in third world countries. Let alone those who have achieved financial success.

It's funny how your perspective changes when you are exposed to these such things. Last week before coming on this trip I find myself thinking about some of my business goals. Today I find myself thinking about how lucky I am just to be born in America. I like most other entrepreneurs are always striving to achieve the next goal. Sometimes not spending enough time enjoying the successes I have already accomplished. I urge you to take a few minutes and look at your life and all the things you have in your life to be thankful for.

Life is a special thing and you never know when today will be your last. I want to send my thoughts and prayers to all of those who were affected by the horrible tragedy that occurred in Haiti. As of the last news update on CNN they expect the death toll to be at 50,000+. This is such a tragedy, I am going to be donating some money to the Red Cross and I urge all of you out there to do the same. Help out in any way you can. It is going to take a lot of money, time, and effort from thousands of people to help those who have been affected by this earthquake. With Haiti's infrastructure being sub-par already there is going to be so much travesty from this natural disaster. Everyone reading this is blog right now is in a better spot than those in Haiti and I urge you to help in any way possible. If you would like to donate to the Red Cross you can do so here: http://www.redcross.org. Click the big red button that say's "donate now".

Today I would also like to send my thoughts and prayers out to Ryan Johnson and his family and close friends. Ryan was an internet entrepreneur who grew up a few towns away from me. I was not really close with Ryan but from the few times I hung out with Ryan he was always very friendly. Everyone I know who was closer with Ryan said he had a huge heart and was always trying to help out other people. Ryan had a great sense of humor and was very funny. Today I received the tragic news that Ryan died in a house fire late last night.

Ryan was always full of energy and so kind. I just saw him while shopping at target about two weeks ago. He was telling me that he was planning on going to Utah to Ski in the next several weeks. I pray for you buddy and my thoughts are with you and your family and close friends. RIP RJ.

I normally like to talk about things that are more positive and uplifting however due to the recent tragedies that have happened I felt that this was the best blog post. I really hope that you look at your life and appreciate all the things that you have. There are so many things to be thankful for, be thankful just for being alive, be thankful for your health, be thankful that you have clean drinking water. By thankful for being an American. I know I am thankful for these things and so many more. Always push forward towards tomorrows success but don't forget to cherish todays.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is your brain keeping you from success?

The biggest thing that keeps people from achieving success is themselves! If you took a survey asking people if they feel they are successful in life. Most people would not say yes, you would hear a lot of um... sorta... kinda... etc.... So what is keeping them from achieving success? It's their self belief. Most people don't believe in themselves. They don't believe they can achieve success in whatever it is they want. They believe others can achieve success but not them.

Whatever you let your mind accept as true, becomes true. When you tell yourself something the mind does not verify the accuracy of any statement it receives. It merely records it for later retrieval. Your mind works like a computer, it does not change the data you put in. If you tell yourself you will be successful and truly believe it then you will be successful.

If you think you can or think you can't you are always right. Our self belief will almost always dictate in advance whether we will succeed or fail at whatever you are trying to accomplish. The great thing is that we can control what we put in our mind and we can even manufacture the information sent to our brain.

If you study people who are very successful which is something I have been doing since the age of 13. You will find out that every highly successful person knew they were going to successful before they actually were considered a success.

I can attest to this in my own life as well. I remember when I was young living just above the poverty level knowing that one day I was going to be financially successful. At that time, I had no money, no ideas, and I had no one to help mentor me towards becoming a financial success. But I knew in my mind that it was only a matter of time before I was successful. I had the drive and self belief, I knew I was going to be successful even though there was nothing around to support the thought of me becoming successful. I knew and truly believed I was going to.

Several years later I achieved my goal of becoming financially successful and my goals and dreams grew much bigger. Now my goals and dreams are to help impact the lives of millions of people through charitable work and by helping other people achieve their dreams and goals. I will soon be a New York Times best selling author as that is one of my next goals. As of today I have not written a book to be published and distributed however I know it is only a matter of time and when I do write my book it will be a New York Times Best seller.

I hope you realize that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to no matter how big or small. You are the only person holding yourself back from achieving your goals. I wish you nothing but success in life.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Make more money from your website

If you want to make more money online this short blog talks about a very powerful secret that you need to know.

One of the biggest things that can impact your online business in a positive way is split testing. Of all the online marketers I know it seems that almost every one who is very successful is always doing split tests.

The great thing about split testing is that you can come out with a site that only has marginal conversions but if you constantly split test before you know it your site will be converting like crazy.

Recently I put a new rule in place in our company. We have split tests running on everyone of our sites every day. One of the "secret" techniques that has allowed me to build a successful online marketing company is that we do split tests all the time.

The more you split test your website(s) the more money you will make long term. This is a proven fact. One downfall that I see people doing all the time, which is something I used to be guilty of as well is that they will have a successful website that is making money so they will act as if they have arrived and that their site is perfect and there is no need to do split tests because they are making money from the site.

While it may be true you may be making money from the site, you are only earning a small portion of what you would be earning if you were constantly split testing.

This is one of the key elements that separates the people online who are successful to the people who are really successful. If you want to make more money online then split test more often.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Donating to charity

I'm working on a new project that I'm really excited about. Soon I will be launching www.MarkJenneyCares.com. This site is going to be based around charitable contributions. Once the site launches I will be donating money to different charities every day of the year.

The site will keep track of which charities I have donated money to, how much money has been donated and how many peoples lives have been impacted from the donations. You will also be able to suggest charities for me to donate money.

I am doing this as part of my philanthropic efforts and to raise the awareness that giving back to those less fortunate is a very important part of life. Every successful person I have come in contact with or have read about has the same view on giving back. The more you give the more you receive.

It's really true, if you don't have a lot of money now then the first thing you need to do is give money to a worthy cause you believe in. The world will give back to you in multiples that of which you give. If you don't feel loved, give love and you will receive love back many times over.

I know some people are thinking OK well I will give money to charity when I have more money. That's not the way the world works. If you aren't willing to give now, don't ever expect to give when you have "more money." The more people you can help the more the world tends to help you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My favorite blog to read

If you're involved in anyway with technology, or business I want to highly suggest you checkout Tech Crunch - http://www.techcrunch.com . If you aren't currently reading tech crunch your missing out. This is a must read for any business owner that is involved with the Internet. I must say I have become addicted to reading Tech Crunch every day. I was never a fan of any blogs until several months when I came across TC. Ever since then I have not been able to let a day pass by without staying up to speed with what's going on with the TC blog.

On a side note I'm going to be traveling extensively over the next several weeks. This saturday I will be going on Mike Filsaime's yearly marketers cruise. Every year Mike has a cruise for a bunch of successful Internet Marketers. If you're interested in going next year check out his site: http://www.marketerscruise.com/

The following weeks are followed up with going to Las Vegas for the affiliate summit, then to Baja Mexico with a group of entrepreneurs. A lot more traveling coming soon.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My first blog post - By Mark Jenney

It's funny that this is my first blog post. I have been marketing on the Internet for years now but have never posted a personal blog. On this bog I plan to share insight on things that have helped me along the path to success in life.

I'm not limiting the term "SUCCESS" to just financial success. Although I have been able to achieve a level of financial success, the success I have achieved in my personal life with my health and love life has been more important than any amount of money.

Over the past few years I have gone through many wonderful learning experiences in all areas of my life. I went from struggling in business to having a prosperous business and being able to help many others along the way.

I went from being 40 pounds overweight, depressed with very few friends to being in almost perfect physical shape being happy all the time with more quality friends than I can count and having more of an impact on the world by contributing time and money to charities and helping other people achieve their goals.

I have learned a great deal along my path towards what I consider "SUCCESS" in life. I am happy to be able to share some of these things with you.